BinauralDiaries Field Recording ยท Outdoor Swimming Pool 2
SOME KIND OF THING TO GUIDE THE USER TO CLICK HERE OR PLAY THE VIDEO / MAYBE THEY NEED TO ORDER AND HAVE TO ASK A WAITER/ETC? For the first "story" point. I can get videos to autoplay but that will be an issue if we have more than one on the page...
Ok so the transition would look totally seamless, I just am not opening Photoshop yet... Was gonna put in some deep sea fish pics but I got scared lol so imagine maybe some small ones and gathering darkness!
Maybe other things here, space themed.....
This transition would look of totally seamless and in the same digital style as the pool.
What's in the pool?! :o
At this point, the art style becomes realistic like a photo...?
Zoom zoom 2 duty free etc. Click the plane
This audio could be shortened and made to only play once before fading out.
Splish splash...
Click the fish to see an example of what a "text only" page could look like! I am researching could this be randomized for each click...
This live feed gave me an idea - if we wanted liveness, maybe we could have a live feed? I'd have to research this... But it may be possible...